World of War TankZ

World of War TankZ was the final project for my first computer science class, ICS 111 with professor Jason Leigh. This two player battle tank game lets the players drive through a maze and shoot at each other, move around the map and try to gather power ups to gain an advantage over your opponent. Use tactics and ricochet mechanics to outwit the other player. The first player to drop their opponent’s HP to 0 wins the game.

I designed all the sprite animation for this project, I designed the sprites on which is an inbrowser sprite creator that lets you edit sprite frame by frame and then export it as a sprite sheet. I also wrote the code to animate the sprites with the class I created.

We received second place in the end of the semester gaming contest for WWTZ. This was a great start to my computer science degree, and I’m very happy that Professor Leigh gave us the opportunity to code games so early on.

You can learn more at the WorldofWarTankZ You Tube.

If you want to play WWTZ, the repository is on Git Hub

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